About us!

Who are we?

The founder of ECO FOOT company, named Hai, has been working many years at nature conservation at the Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park. He really wants to show the travelers all over the world about this unique value of this Park. It is not only a kingdom of caves but also a paradise for the ones who love nature. The most important thing is to show people a few projects that the Park team has been trying to conserve the nature and the biodiversity value. 

All the guides and local porters are from Phong Nha. Many porters used to be the loggers and hunters in the past . They come back to the jungle for a big mission now. They support the tourists and show them how beautiful and unique their homeland is. Their long term mission is to keep that park for the next generations. 

Why do we do this tour?

We do this tour to show the outstanding nature and educate local people about conservation efforts. By showcasing the beauty and importance of the natural environment, we hope to inspire people to take action to protect it for future generations. Additionally, this tour supports wildlife animals and aims to improve livelihoods by providing unique experiences that promote sustainable tourism. Overall, our tour is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to explore nature while also making a positive impact on the world around us.

Who gets benefit?

Rescue Center for wildlife animals

A part of your money from the tour will go to the fund that support the wildlife animals at the Rescue Center. The more people join the tours, the more help to the poor animals. This is the first reason why we started the tour and will be the number one reason for long term.

The former hunters and loggers

They used to live on the jungle as a long time livelihood but things have changed. The Park is supposed to be well-protected as a world heritage site. They have no stable and sustainable jobs at all. Tourism could be a huge opportunity for their future. The locals play an important role to the tour and they will have daily cash to support family. Overall they won't go back to the forest to log and hunt any longer but protect it!